Electrical Installations ETINS

The ETINS series provides a comprehensive solution for teaching industrial and building electrical installations. Developed with a focus on usability and safety, this product family explores topics in the field of electricity and electrical engineering, ranging from fundamentals to advanced subjects.

The products in this series cover the following topics: Control panel assembly, industrial installations, building installations, electric motors, and safety devices (NR-12).

Skills and competencies

  • Understanding and using control, signaling, and protection devices
  • Interpreting and using electrical schematics
  • Using control devices and logic
  • Knowing and starting different types of electric motors
  • Using building electrical installation devices
  • Designing safety systems according to the degree of protection

Main Differences

  • Safety: NR-12 compliance, bench and user protections
  • Workbench with ergonomic certification
  • Easy-to-clamp modules without using tools
  • QCSim, SEGSIM and PREDSIM simulator
  • Data acquisition system (three-phase analyzer)
  • Main Benefits

  • Modular configuration
  • High-quality industrial devices
  • Safety banana plugs and cables
  • Easy movement, handling and storage of modules
  • Technological

    Our partnership with leading device providers ensures that students are in touch with the most modern and most used technologies on the market. For this series, you can choose devices (primarily) from WEG or Schneider brands (Schneider or Omron for the industrial safety bench).

    Data acquisition and control devices integrate this series of products. The Three-Phase Analyzer allows the reading of various electrical measurements, as well as viewing voltage and current waveforms. With the Remote IO module, it is possible to control inputs and outputs for interaction with the assemblies. These modules are available for computers and cell phones.

    The kits use the Tecknik+ modular platform, which guarantees safety and ergonomics for assemblies, with protected and easy-to-fit modules, without using tools. In addition, the modules and workbench have terminals and safety cables, increasing the protection and safety for users.

    Cabinets are provided for storing the kits with appropriate fixation in the same pattern as the bench, facilitating storage and protection, increasing the service life of the modules.

    The products in this series are equipped with command panel simulation software (QCSIM), industrial safety (SEGSIM) and building installations (PREDSIM). These simulators allow optimizing the use of benches, giving students first contact with this technology and more practice time, and are suitable for e-learning or blended courses.

  • Command Panel Assembly Workbench


    A bancada de montagem de quadro de comando foi desenvolvida para permitir práticas de montagens reais de painéis elétricos, possibilitando aos estudantes realizar os processos de montagem e instalação de dispositivos, corte e crimpagem de cabos e montagem de dispositivos de porta de painel. Acompanha as ferramentas e equipamentos necessários às montagens.

  • Electrical Workbench


    A bancada de eletrotécnica é a solução completa para ensino prático de instalações elétricas industriais. Fornecida em diferentes configurações conforme os temas que se deseja abordar, tem construção modular e proteções elétricas que garantem a segurança dos estudantes e do equipamento.

  • Motor Workbench


    The motor tower is a set of motors of different types that, together with the electrical engineering bench, allows exploring motor starting methods.

  • WorkBench Industrial Safety NR12


    Esta bancada de segurança (safety) permite aplicar de forma prática as tecnologias e dispositivos para segurança de máquinas e instalações elétricas que são exigidos pelas normas de segurança do trabalho.

  • Residential and Building Installation Bench


    With this bench, students will be able to practice residential and building installations, learning from basic installation concepts to the use of more sophisticated devices. It has a modular construction and electrical protections that guarantee the safety of students and equipment.

  • Courseware

    The teaching kits are accompanied by rich teaching material with a practical focus, which provides practical proposals aimed at developing skills and competencies.

    The Student Guide is offered, with proposals for practical activities, the Educator’s Guide, with answers to activities and teaching guidance on the products, and video tutorials to assist in using the tools when using the kit.

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